Socio-community Empowerment through Education for Development and Sustainability (SEEDS), Tak Province,
Thai-Myanmar Border.
supported by Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation
Ethnic girls and boys in Thai-Myanmar border areas are enabled to adapt and develop their livelihood in the changing world peacefully
Project Outcome(s) (for this phase)
Ethnic girls and boys in the Thai-Myanmar border areas have access to quality education that is linguistically, and culturally relevant.
The project aims at supporting boys and girls to build their self-awareness, self-esteem, and self confidence in their cultural identities as well as having access to learn and maintain their mother in order to adapt well and participate in the larger multicultural society effectively and contribute to a peaceful world.
- An extra-curricular Intercultural Education Curriculum is developed in target schools: To address the lack of ICE curriculum, the project will develop ICE curriculum at school level that integrate local knowledges and cultures of students as well as that of the dominant cultures to promote intercultural understanding. For this, the project will develop ICE curriculum structure in collaboration with CD-RELC-RILCA-MU for primary and lower secondary level and then develop the ICE curriculum for Tak Thai Myanmar border context.
- School teachers and local wisdom teachers are trained and apply ICE content, gender inclusiveness and active learning methodology: The project will train teachers and local wisdom teachers on ICE, gender inclusiveness and active learning methodology as part of CCA in order that they can facilitate intercultural learning activities for students to contribute to the learners’ development and promote intercultural understanding.
- A Karen extra-curricular mother tongue Education Curriculum, Kachin and Hmong mother tongue Education guidebooks (to be adapted from IMPECT’s Kachin and Hmong MT extra curricula) are developed for target schools: The project will provide technical support to mother tongue teachers in developing mother tongue curriculum and teaching guide with variety of teaching and learning aids. The Karen mother tongue curriculum will be developed whereas for the Kachin and Hmong mother tongue curricula, the project will use the one that previously developed by PEICY project of IMPECT. The project will adapt them to the Tak border area context.
- Mother tongue teachers are trained and apply mother tongue teaching with ICE, gender inclusiveness and active learning methodology: Additionally, to address the challenge regarding mother tongue teaching, the project will improve on the existing mother tongue teaching textbook of Karen, Kachin and Hmong languages to further develop the mother tongue teaching curriculum that integrate ICE content. MT teachers will be provided with training on campaign media production together with teachers, to support girls and boys to create campaign media advocate for their inclusive quality education and promote their language and cultural rights.